Transform your data to harmonised form

While the FAIR guiding principles have become known to many scientists, there is still a strong focus on FAIR in the context of discovery metadata and less on FAIR in the context of data documentation. Harmonisation of data documentation across data providers is a very efficient measure to ensure and improve reuse of data. When data are published in a harmonised form by different data providers, the data consumer does not have to align data from different sources, computers can help us do that much more efficiently.

Service disruption due to backend maintenance on May 27th from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM

By laraf |

Due to maintenance on our storage, some datasets will be unavailable from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM on May 27th. Also the search backend will have maintenance from 6:00 PM to 9 PM, and the sites will be in maintenance during this time. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Tutorial series: Working with CF-NetCDF files in Python

By lukem |

Want to learn how to work with NetCDF files? Know a bit of Python? Maybe this tutorial series can help you. 

This course has been designed to help you understand NetCDF files, get data out of them and create your own NetCDF files. You will learn how to plot data from NetCDF files, convert data to CSV, loop through a THREDDS catalogue and access data over the internet using OPeNDAP.

Major changes in the metadata catalogue

By laraf |

On Monday 20th of March the SolR back-end for the metadata catalogue of the data portal will be changed.

Some major modifications will be present, including changes of metadata identifiers for some of the records.

A namespace prefix no.met.adc for all records managed by the Arctic Data Centre ( is now added.

Some records might be missing at the beginning, but we are working on filling these gaps.